about ronnies vintage

My name is Rochell and I am the founder of Ronnies Vintage. After 1,5 year of creating, saving and working hard on the thing I love the most, it was about time to start this webshop with all the vintage pieces I want to share with you 💘

What began as an out-of-control hobby has now grown into having my own webshop with vintage clothing and accessories. I’ve always had a deep love for unique vintage pieces that tell a story. Over time, my love for vintage clothing grew. The more I visited thrift stores, markets and online vintage platforms, the more I discovered hidden treasures and gems I wanted to share with other people as well <3

My items are handpicked and selected according to a certain feeling and style. The most important thing for me are the authenticity and the quality of each item because that’s also the reason why I love vintage so much With Ronnies Vintage I try to offer a curated collection of vintage items that reflects my own passion and personal taste and style.

I believe that clothing is a form of self-expression, and the unique pieces available on my website allow you to express your own identity and it also ensures you to make sustainable choices.

Each vintage item has already stood the test of time and offers an eco-friendly alternative to fast fashion.

As I don’t have a physical shop, I try to be at the Ijhallen in Amsterdam every month with a part of my collection. Talking with people and bringing people together makes me happy; seeing people come by and feel confident while trying clothes feels super rewarding 🫶🏾

I will always announce this in advance on my socials.

I hope everyone enjoys there shopping experience here and hopefully you’ll be able to find some treasures. And if not I hope you’ll get inspired and see you next time!!!

Love Ronnies Vintage